In order to create a new mexican invoice, you need to use the /documents endpoint with the proper parameters.

Mexican invoices can be type I, E or T. To define which type to use, please check the document_type_id field proper values.


  • Method: POST
  • Required headers:
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Authorization: Bearer <token>
    • Accept: */*
  "header": {
    "account_id": 141,
    "document_type_id": "76",

    "received_issued_flag": 1,
    "issue_date": "2025-01-07",
    "issuer_tax_id_code": "EKU9003173C9",
    "issuer_tax_id_type": "MX-RFC",
    "issuer_legal_name": "<string>",
    "issuer_address": "<string>",
    "issuer_district": "<string>",
    "issuer_city": "<string>",
    "issuer_country_id": "80",
    "issuer_phone": "<string>",
    "issuer_activity": "<string>",
    "receiver_tax_id_code": "EKU9003173C9",
    "receiver_tax_id_type": "MX-RFC",
    "receiver_legal_name": "ESCUELA KEMPER URGATE",
    "receiver_address": "<string>",
    "receiver_district": "<string>",
    "receiver_city": "<string>",
    "receiver_country_id": "80",
    "receiver_phone": "<string>",
    "receiver_activity": "<string>",
    "payment_conditions": "0",
    "currency_id": 31

  "details": [
      "quantity": 1,
      "sku": "aa111",
      "line_description": "Prueba ROW",
      "unit_measure": "UN",
      "unit_price": 1500,
      "long_description": "Esta es una linea de prueba",
      "modifier_amount": -100,
      "total_taxes": 224,
      "modifier_percentage": 0,
      "total_amount_line": 1624,
      "taxes": [
          "tax_type_id": "362",
          "tax_percentage": 16,
          "tax_amount": 224
  "totals": {
    "net_amount": 1400,
    "taxes_amount": 224,
    "total_amount": 1624